About Us
"Love one another as I have loved you"
– Jesus of Nazareth
"Wonderfully Loved" is the tagline for LCM Canterbury, the Episcopal and ELCA Lutheran campus ministry here at Northern Arizona University. But it's more than a tagline; it defines our ministry. It's the promise we live by, the way we try to live together in community, and what motivates us to love and serve others. We are wonderfully loved by God through Jesus Christ. Loved for who we are, just as we are. Reflecting that love, we seek to welcome all who pass through our doors with his kind of all-inclusive, grace-filled love — a love that accepts us fully but also challenges us and changes us. Sure, we don't always get it right. But God does.
At LCM Canterbury, we welcome and affirm people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, abilities, disabilities, races, ethnic identities, economic statuses, and backgrounds. Growing together in faith, we seek the unity that Christ envisions for his church through learning, worship, service and fellowship.
You're invited to join us!

At LCM Canterbury, we believe that:
Everyone is created in God's image and is loved by God. No exceptions.
Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior and that the Gospel is the power and promise of God's healing and liberating love for all.
God creates and sustains all that exists, that Jesus Christ is the Word of God in the flesh, and that through His life, death, and resurrection God fashions a new creation.
The Bible is the Word of God which bears witness to God's reconciling love and grace through the stories of God's people and Jesus Christ.
The books of the Bible were shaped by the context, history, and worldview of those who wrote and collected them and that through them God's Spirit speaks to us to create and sustain faith and fellowship for service and witness in the world.
People of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, abilities, disabilities, races, ethnic identities, economic statuses, and backgrounds should be welcomed, affirmed, and valued. With God's help, we commit ourselves to actively working for reconciliation, racial equity, and justice for all people, and to respecting the dignity of every person.
Where is LCMCanterbury?
Our chapel (for Dinner & Worship on Sundays) is on the corner of Dupont and San Francisco.
Our office is located in the Campus Ministry Center (CMC), the blue building behind Cline Library.