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Worship, Programs, and Events

Our values of accepting, celebrating, and loving people are rooted in the path Jesus Christ laid down for us. We are here to invite you into a new style of community that we will build together based on transcending and transformational love. In worship and through our programs and events we experience and practice the wonderful love that is ours in Jesus Christ.


You're invited!  Please join us!


6:00 PM – Dinner

7:00 PM – Worship


319 S. San Francisco St.
(On the corner of Dupont and San Francisco north of campus)

Each week, LCM Canterbury meets at 6 PM on Sunday evenings for a FREE dinner prepared by one of our local churches and other friends. (Gluten free and vegetarian options will be provided!) After dinner, around 7 PM, you are invited to join us in the Chapel for worship. Our worship style is "traditional"...  yet casual and relaxed. We usually wrap up around 8, but you can stay later if you want.

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Student Cooking Nights

Where: LCMCanterbury Chapel, 319 S San Francisco

When: Sundays 1/26, 2/23, 4/27, 6:00 pm


We have three student cooking nights scheduled for this semester! This coming Sunday (26 January), our peer minister Fiona has planned a night of delicious Greek food. Our next student cooking night is on 23 February. If you’d like to sign up to plan a menu or help out, let us know at Sunday Dinner and Worship.

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Resuming January 15th at the Campus Ministry Center:

500 W Riordan Rd, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

(the blue building behind Cline Library)

Join Pastor Mike for a time of Meditation and Prayer followed by a Bible study!

No experience in meditative prayer is necessary! (We'll teach you.) This simple service should last 20-30 minutes.



Resuming January 15th at the Campus Ministry Center:

500 W Riordan Rd, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

(the blue building behind Cline Library)

A Spirituality for doing Justice: Reflections for Congregation-based Organizers

Dennis A Jacobsen

Exploring biblical stories to think about how we pursue justice in the uncertain days ahead. In his first call, Pastor Mike worked with Pastor Jacobsen and learned a lot from him about building inner-outer city partnerships in Milwaukee.



Our students gather with Pastor Mike in various locations throughout campus to give out our Wonderfully Loved stickers. Look out for our signs!

Check out our Spring 2025 events below.

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Club Fair

Where: NAU Pedway Club Fair (near the Union)

When: Wednesday 15th January, 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Details: ​Grab a sticker and meet some of our community members at the club fair!


Superbowl Sunday & Pastor Mike's Installation as Chaplain

Where: LCM Canterbury Chapel, 319 S. San Francisco St.

When: Sunday 9th February, 6:00 pm

Details: Join us for a Superbowl Chili Dinner and the installation of Pastor Mike as the LCM Canterbury Chaplain. Bishops Hutterer and Reddall will be here!

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Lutheran Advocacy Day

Where: AZ Capitol, Phoenix

When: Monday 10th February

Details: Join us for Lutheran Advocacy Day in Phoenix to learn about activism and advocacy in the Lutheran Church.

If you can't make it in February, check out our Justice page for advocacy resources from the ELCA and Episcopal churches.

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'Blessed in Our Struggles' Online Retreat

Where: Online (contact us for more details)

When: Saturday 15th February

Details: An online Episcopal Campus Ministry Retreat.

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Cross Country Skiing

Where: Flagstaff, AZ

When: Saturday 22nd February

Details: Join us for cross-country skiing (weather permitting). Invite your friends!

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Ash Wednesday

Where: Campus Ministry Center, 500 W. Riordan Rd.

When: Wednesday 5th March


Short Ashes Service at 12:30 pm

Longer Service at 5:30 pm

Lent Discussion Group

Where: Campus Ministry Center, 500 W. Riordan Rd.

When: Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm

** We will not have study on March 13th. Have a restful spring break!

Details: Join us for a Lent devotional: Queers the Word: A 40-day Devotional for LGBTQ+ Christians

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Flagstaff Family Food Center

Where: Flagstaff Family Food Center

When: Saturday 29th March, 3:00 - 6:00 pm

Details: Volunteer with us for Flagstaff Family Food Center, which has been working to address food insecurity in Flagstaff for over 30 years.


Holy Week

Where: LCM Canterbury Chapel, 319 S. San Francisco St.

When: Monday 14th April - Sunday 20th April


End of Year Picnic

Where: details to come

When: Saturday 26th April

Details: Join us to celebrate the end of the semester with a picnic.

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Midnight Pancake Feed

Where: Campus Ministry Center, 500 W Riordan Rd.

When: Monday, 5th May @ 10:00 pm - Midnight


Bring your homework (and friends) to enjoy pancakes with us and study for finals! Hosted by area churches.


Other Spring 2025 Events

1/12 : Dinner & Worship Resumes

1/13 : Spring Semester Begins

1/19 : Confirmation of Sarah Lee, LCM Canterbury Social Media Manager, at Sunday Evening Worship

1/25 Diaconal Ordination of Brad Eubanks, former Chaplain at LCM Canterbury, in Phoenix

1/26 : Student Cooking Night (Greek Food)

2/23 : Student Cooking Night

3/10-14 : Spring Break

5/4 : Final Dinner & Worship, Sending Service

5/5-8 : Finals Week

5/9-10 : Graduations

Where is LCMCanterbury?

Our chapel (for Dinner & Worship on Sundays) is on the corner of Dupont and San Francisco.

Our office is located in the Campus Ministry Center (CMC), the blue building behind Cline Library.

(928) 225-0451

Office: 500 W. Riordan Rd., Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Chapel: 319  S. San Francisco St., Flagstaff, AZ 86001

©2023 by LCM Canterbury.

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